The Pandemic accelerated an already growing adoption of Data Warehousing. The need for agility, real-time access and advanced analytics is not "nice to have", it is the standard. Remote work only accelerated its adoption.
Traditional data analytics take hours or longer to get results. Orgs need real-time answers, and the ability to rapidly scale.
Follow the money: 76% of surveyed orgs explained they were investing in infrastructure such as data warehouses, data platforms and more. 35% said they were investing a lot more than last year and another 41% stated it was somewhat more.
Only 18% of companies are using on-premesis data warehouse exclusively. This makes sense. Even if a company wants to keep data in-house, maintaining redundancy and rapid flexability remain mission-critical. Some hybrid structure would be necessary. Where 35% deployed this hybrid structure a full 47% were cloud-based data warehouse only.
The #1 reason for spending was "modernization of Data Warehouse" followed by "Support for real-time analytics" as the 2nd primary reason. If you do not already have a Data Warehouse, you can get them both at the same time!